Discuss and collaborate with customers to understand their business requirements in order to prepare a roadmap that aligns with their vision.
Discuss -Stage 1 10% Process Completed
Make a decision by suggesting the appropriate Agile framework, Lean methodology, or Six Sigma methodology that addresses the customer’s pain points or specific requests, based on a feasibility and validity analysis.
Decide - Stage 2 25% Process Completed
Prepare a Business Requirements Document (BRD) that includes all functional and technical requirements, as well as necessary prerequisites and details.
Document - Stage 3 40% Process Completed
Provide an optimal end-to-end design that includes integration for all systems and business requirements. This stage also helps to define the overall software architecture.
Design - Stage 4 55% Process Completed
After completing the system design documentation, proceed to develop the code using industry best practices, and utilizing appropriate technology or applications.
Develop - Stage 5 70% Process Completed
This phase focuses on delivering the software to the end-user or installing it onto the customer’s system(s). It involves validating the functional and technical requirements by implementing a Proof of Concept (POC) for the specific. EPIC/Feature, based on feedback received in the demo.
Deploy - Stage 6 85% Process Completed
Go live and deliver the product based on the customer’s expected requirements, which should be aligned with the company’s focus as agreed upon in the roadmap.